The Project is jointly funded under the Centrally Sponsored Scheme (CSS) of GoI and GoMP in Madhya Pradesh and GoI and GoP in Punjab State
The project is being implemented from 9th to 12th Standard with different Job Roles, with a goal to make students employable when they complete the job role and are certified in 10th and 12th Standard.
The project has adopted the curriculum, trainer handbook, student workbook developed or vetted by PSSCIVE (PSS Central Institute for Vocational Education, Bhopal/NCERT), based on the relevant Qualification Packs/ National
Occupational Standards (NoS) developed by respective Sector Skill Councils (SSCs).
Monthly Guest Lectures by Industry Experts
Quarterly Industry/Field Visits for hands on experience in the relevant Sector
The Vocational Education shall be operated in alignment with National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF), which establishes a system of clear educational pathways from school to higher education while providing certification
of vocational skills
Placement Opportunity for all eligible candidates.